Tolesa   Gemeda

Tolesa Gemeda

Nursing - Lecturer

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P: 0934034937


My name is Tolesa Gemeda. I was born in East Wollega, Sandabo Dongoro kebele, in 1987 E. C. As soonas my age was reached for education, my father took me to Gega Lega elementary school (1-8), 1994. After eight years, I took ministry examination and was promoted to Fincha secondary and preparatory school with satisfactory result. Then, after four years I enjoyed MWUwith other health field (2006). Then, I was graduated with BSc Nursing from MWU in 2009. Now (2010)  I am working as GA II at Wolkite University.


Research interest:-



Research area

Detail explanation


Maternal health

Women health is the most easily achieved, but the most neglected.  Despite the government concern is on maternal, still womenmorbidity and mortality is high in developing countries due to negligence, absence of comprehensive maternal health care services, absence of well-trained health professionals… 


Child health

 Also child morbidity and mortality is high in developing countries due to malnutrition, poor sanitation, inappropriate initiation of CF, inappropriate initiation of colostrum feeding…..


Community health

 Sanitation purpose